Anyhoo, I will make a monthly list divided into 4 (at the moment) categories.
This months list:
1. Sewing:
- march jacket (McCalls 5759)
- silk slip (no pattern yet)
- fix some things lingering in my alterations pile (skirts, dress)
the list will have more things added as I go along
2. Knitting:
- finish Clapotis
- finish Hope Cardigan (yummy cashmere): it just needs buttons
- finish teal throw for my bed: it just needs the fringe attached and a good
- my Wisteria needs to be fixed in one armpit
- find new project to cast on
3. Quilting:
- I am only a beginning quilter and have decided to sew a king size (I know, what
was I thinking???) quilt for my bed, crazy nine patch blocks in batiks (color
scheme: blues, greens, purples) alternated with simple black silk taffeta blocks
and I want to get a little bit done each month
4. Redecorating:
- reupholster that cocktail chair from this post
- build cd shelf (the plan is in my head)
This post will probably be updated throughout the month, especially on the sewing and knitting topics so look for updates!
Random picture (this one is of the church tower in my hometown taken in fall 2009)

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